Predicate: resubstantiate

Roleset id: resubstantiate.01 , reinforce or support again with proof, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

resubstantiate.01: RESUBSTANTIATE-V NOTES: Added by Julia for EWT. RESUBSTANTIATION-N NOTES: Added by Julia for EWT.


resubstantiate (v.)
resubstantiation (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: agent, entity re-offering support/proof
        Arg1-PPT: proposition re-supported

Example: resubstantiate-v

        ...what can be achieved by a man with a mission, [a man]-1 needing *PRO*-1 to resubstantiate his manhoood on the golf course.

        Arg0: *PRO*-1
        Rel: resubstantiate
        Arg1: his manhood
        Argm-loc: on the golf course

Example: resubstantiation-n

        A resubstantiation of the full Q1 DPR *ICH*-1 will be completed by the Risk control staff [reconciling the full trial balances between Q1 open and Q1 close]-1

        Rel: resubstantiation
        Arg1: of the full Q1 DPR
        Argm-prd: *ICH*-1