Predicate: resent

Roleset id: resent.01 , resent, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

resent.01: RESENT-V NOTES: Frames file for 'resent' based on financial subcorpus; adjectival 'resentful' based on BOLT-4,5. Member of VNcls resent-31.2, comparison with 'like'. (from resent.01-v) RESENTFUL-J NOTES: Automatically created by Julia as an alias file for unification. (from resentful.01-j)


resent (v.)Emotion_directed Experiencer_focus
resentful (j.)


        Arg0-PPT: resenter (vnrole: 31.2-experiencer)
        Arg1-PAG: thing or person resented (vnrole: 31.2-stimulus)
        Arg2-CAU: because-of

Example: resent-v: sentential resentment

        Corporate executives resent that their company's stock has been transformed into a nameless piece of a stock-index basket.

        Arg0: Corporate executives
        Rel: resent
        Arg1: their company's stock has been transformed into a nameless piece of a stock-index basket

Example: ARG2

        I-1 've done nothing but *trace*-1 resent her for the absence her efforts required.

        Arg0: *trace*-1
        Rel: resent
        Arg1: her
        Arg2: for the absence her efforts required.

Example: resentful-j

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        There have been tons of dicussions about bicyclist versus motorist behaviors -LRB- and I grow weary even thinking about them -RRB- , but shit like this makes it very easy *PRO* to be resentful of the city 's bicyclists .

        Arg0: *PRO*
        Rel: resentful
        Arg1: fo the city's bicyclists