Predicate: reintroduce
Roleset id: reintroduce.01 , cause to meet, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
reintroduce.01: REINTRODUCE-V NOTES: To my mind, "reintroduce" takes two almost-symmetrical arguments; thatis, if arg1 is reintroduced to arg2, logically arg2 is reintroduced toarg1 as well. Further, there are complicated figure-ground andintentionality relations to worry about also. To AVOID all of that,take a purely *syntactic* approach to the arg1/arg2 distinction: arg2is reintroduced by "to". (from reintroduce.01-v)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
reintroduce (v.) | | |
reintroduction (n.) | | |
Arg0-PAG: entity making reintroduction
Arg1-PPT: entity being reintroduced
Arg2-GOL: entity being reintroduced TO
Example: without arg2
Mr. Stoltzman reintroduced his colleagues.
Arg0: Mr. Stoltzman
Rel: reintroduced
Arg1: his colleagues
Example: with arg2
John reintroduced Mary to the pleasures of chocolate ice cream.
Arg0: John
Rel: reintroduced
Arg1: Mary
Arg2: to the pleasures of chocolate ice cream
Roleset id: reintroduce.02 , implement, begin, bring up, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
reintroduce.02: REINTRODUCE-V NOTES: In WSJ this sense seems to be more common. Especially when the"medium" argument is present, the two senses are very close inmeaning, at least to my mind. (from reintroduce.02-v)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
reintroduce (v.) | | |
Arg0-PAG: implementer, agent
Arg1-PPT: thing being brought up
Arg2-LOC: medium, where arg1 is brought up into
Example: advertising
Newsweek will reintroduce a new incentive plan for advertisers.
Arg0: Newsweek
Argm-mod: will
Rel: reintroduce
Arg1: a new incentive plan for advertisers
Example: with medium
The man with the clipboard reintroduced a bit of les sportif into our itinerary.
Arg0: The man with the clipboard
Rel: reintroduced
Arg1: a bit of les sportif
Arg2: into our itinerary.