reduce.01: REDUCE-V NOTES: VN classes limit-76, subjugate-42.3. (from reduce.01-v) REDUCTION-N NOTES: Added by Julia based on reduce-v.01. Corresponds to VNcls limit-76, subjugate-42.3. (from reduction.01-n) REDUCED-J NOTES: Automatically created by Julia as an alias file for unification. (from reduced.01-j)
        Arg0-PAG: Agent (vnrole: 76-cause, 42.3-agent)
        Arg1-PPT: Logical subject, patient, thing falling (vnrole: 76-patient, 42.3-patient)
        Arg2-EXT: EXT, amount fallen
        Arg3-DIR: Start point
        Arg4-GOL: End point, end state of arg1 (vnrole: 76-goal)
        Argm-LOC: Medium
Example: transitive
        Mr. Stronach will reduce overhead.
        Arg0: Mr Stronach
        Rel: reduce
        Arg1: overhead
Example: with start and end points
        The company will reduce employment to less than 16,000 from about 18,000.
        Arg0: The company
        Rel: reduce
        Arg1: employment
        Arg4: to less than 16,000
        Arg3: from about 18,000
Example: with extent
        Claims from Hurricane Hugo reduced results $40 million.
        Arg0: Claims from Hurricane Hugo
        Rel: reduced
        Arg1: results
        Arg2: $40 million
Example: end point as infinitive
        Senior members are reduced to raising doomed parliamentary obstacles.
        Arg1: Senior members are reduced
        Rel: reduced
        Arg4: to raising doomed parliamentary obstacles
Example: ARG0 and ARG1 and ARG2
        Under the Kyoto Protocol , 38 developed countries have to reduce emissions by more than 5 % over the next 10 years .
        Arg0: 38 developed countries
        Rel: reduce
        Arg1: emissions
        Arg2: by more than 5 %
        Argm-tmp: over the next 10 years
Example: args 1 and 2
        a 24 % reduction in its work force over the next two months
        Arg2: 24 %
        Rel: reduction
        Arg1: in its work force
        Argm-tmp: over the next two months
        Mr. Dillow said he believes that a reduction in raw material stockbuilding by industry could lead to a sharp drop in imports .
        Rel: reduction
        Arg1: in raw material stockbuilding
        Arg0: by industry
        That could pose a problem trying to meet a 10 percent reduction from last winter's average water usage.
        Arg2: 10 percent
        Rel: reduction
        Arg3: from last winter's average water usage
        It may be that we have not explained by this method everything connected with vital phenomena, since their reduction to physical laws is as yet incomplete:
        Arg1: their
        Rel: reduction
        Arg4: to physical laws