recall.01: RECALL-V NOTES: Member of Vncls banish-10.2. (from recall.01-v) RECALL-N NOTES: Based on sentences in nouns-00040. Comparison to recall.01-v. VN class banish-10.2. Framed by Katie. (from recall.01-n)
recall (n.)
recall (v.)
        Arg2 is predicted, but I doubt it will appear. (from recall.01-v)
        Arg0-PAG: entity recalling, manufacturer (vnrole: 10.2-agent)
        Arg1-PPT: thing being recalled, defective thing (vnrole: 10.2-theme)
        Arg2-DIR: recalled from (vnrole: 10.2-source)
        IBM-1 has no plans *trace*-1 to recall its add-on cards, the spokeswoman said, and could probably circumvent the bugs without long product delays.
        a voluntary recall of both its 100 milligram and 50 milligram versions of the drug
        Argm-mnr: voluntary
        Rel: recall
        Arg1: of both its 100 milligram and 50 milligram versions of the drug
        The executive recalls Mr. Corry whispering to him and others, ``Remember, this was Dave's deal.''
        Arg0: The executive
        Rel: recalls
        Arg1: Mr. Corry whispering to him and others, ``Remember, this was Dave's deal
        [Upon returning to New York, ``Exhausted, I got into a taxicab, and the woman driver said: `Americans make better fishermen,''']-1 he recalled *trace*-1.
        Arg0: he
        Rel: recalled
        Arg1: *trace*-1
        In an interview a few months ago, he recalled how after some training at Salomon Brothers Inc., he successfully bid for the opportunity to sell portions of 20 U.S. corporate bond issues.
        Argm-loc: In an interview
        Argm-tmp: a few months ago
        Arg0: he
        Rel: recalled
        Arg1: how after some training at Salomon Brothers Inc., he successfully bid for the opportunity to sell portions of 20 U.S. corporate bond issues
Example: ARG0 and ARG1
        I recall that song /
        Arg0: I
        Rel: recall
        Arg1: that song
        He recalled to the audience a ``strange, infelicitous'' analogy he once heard arguing ``now that we have finally recognized that American blacks have rights, we need to do the same for animals.''
        Arg0: He
        Rel: recalled
        Arg3: to the audience
        Arg1: a ``strange, infelicitous'' analogy he once heard arguing ``now that we have finally recognized that American blacks have rights, we need to do the same for animals.''
        their recall of the event as distinct from other encounters they could remember
        Arg0: their
        Rel: recall
        Arg1: of the event
        Arg2: as distinct from other encounters they could remember
Roleset id: recall.03 , ask or order to go/come back, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
recall.03: RECALL-V NOTES: Added by Julia for Google.
recall (v.)
        Arg0-PAG: recaller
        Arg1-PPT: entity recalled
        Arg2-GOL: recalled to where
Example: recall-v
        [H. E. Kendall]-1 was recalled *-1 for duty to England on August 28, 1918,
        Rel: recalled
        Argm-prp: for duty
        Arg2: to England
        Argm-tmp: on August 28, 1918