Predicate: ransom

Roleset id: ransom.01 , hold a captive in exchange for money, or pay for release of captive, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

ransom.01: RANSOM-N NOTES: (from ransom.01-n)


ransom (v.)
ransom (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: entity paying for the release of the captive
        Arg1-PPT: the captive
        Arg2-VSP: money demanded/paid
        Arg3-DIR: kidnapper, entity paid
        Arg4-VSP: terrible fate arg1 avoids via ransom

Example: ransom-v: kidnapper as subject

        They ransomed her for a large amount of cash, and once they got it, they kept her regardless.

        Arg3: they
        Rel: ransomed
        Arg1: her
        Arg2: for a large amount of cash

Example: ransom-v: with savior subject

        He ransomed me from the king by pledging on his word that when the next ship arrived from Valencia he would pay my ransom.

        Arg0: He
        Rel: ransomed
        Arg1: me
        Arg3: from the king
        Argm-mnr: by pledging on his word that when the next ship arrived from Valencia he would pay my ransom

Example: ransom-v: with savior subject and arg4

        What your father did for me when-1 he ransomed me from earthly slavery *-1 is a picture of what Jesus wants to do for me, to ransom me from spiritual slavery!

        Arg0: he
        Rel: ransomed
        Arg1: me
        Arg4: from earthly slavery
        Argm-tmp: *-1

Example: ransom-n

        It was there that English emissaries, in the shape of the abbots of Boxley and Robertsbridge, caught up with their captive King and began the long negotiations for his ransom and eventual release.

        Arg1: his
        Rel: ransom