Predicate: profess

Roleset id: profess.01 , announce, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

profess.01: PROFESS-V NOTES: Frames file for 'profess' based on sentences in financial subcorpus. Verbnet class profess 29.4, no mention of other members. Comparison to 'declare'. (from profess.01-v predicate notes) PROFESSION-N NOTES: (from profession.01-n)


profess (v.)
profession (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: professor (vnrole: 29.4-1-1-3-agent)
        Arg1-PPT: utterance (vnrole: 29.4-1-1-3-theme)
        Arg2-GOL: hearer
        Arg3-PRD: attributive (vnrole: -result)

Example: profess-v: basic transitive

        He also professes an ``evangelical'' fervor to develop a corporate culture that rewards managers who produce and where decision-making is shared.

        Arg0: He
        Argm-dis: also
        Rel: professes
        Arg1: an ``evangelical'' fervor to develop a corporate culture that rewards managers who produce and where decision-making is shared

Example: profess-v: with arg2

        Two months after Daren moved in and professed his love to Sugar, he started dipping into her savings account to repay his past due college loans

        Arg0: Daren
        Rel: professed
        Arg1: his love
        Arg2: to sugar

Example: profess-v: with arg3

        Although it was realist in style, I felt it was strongly allegorical (Oats herself has professed this of her own story).

        Arg0: Oats
        Argm-rec: herself
        Rel: professed
        Arg1: this
        Arg3: of her own story

Example: profession-n: LVC

        Thus, before receiving Baptism, the catechumen must make his profession of faith.

        Argm-dis: thus
        Argm-tmp: before receiving Baptism
        Arg0: the catechumen
        Argm-mod: must
        Argm-lvb: make
        Rel: profession
        Arg1: of faith

Example: profession-n: NOT EVENTIVE! DO NOT ANNOTATE! MARK AS .YY!

        Could it be argued that Churchill had ceased at that point to pursue his profession as an author?