Predicate: pressure

Roleset id: pressure.01 , apply pressure, pressure someone to do something, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

pressure.01: PRESSURE-V NOTES: Verbnet entry (from pressure.01-v)


pressure (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: presser (vnrole: 59-Agent)
        Arg1-PPT: pressed (on) (vnrole: 59-Patient)
        Arg2-PRD: goal, pressed-for (vnrole: 59-Result)

Example: with goal

        Big Board stock specialists, began to have them pressure the exchange to ban program trading.

        Arg0: them
        Rel: pressure
        Arg1: the exchange
        Arg2: to ban program trading

Example: without goal

        Generally in the quarter, overproduction of gasoline and higher crude oil prices pressured profitability.

        Argm-dis: Generally
        Argm-tmp: in the quarter
        Arg0: overproduction of gasoline and higher crude oil prices
        Rel: pressured
        Arg1: profitability

Roleset id: pressure.02 , move, cause motion by pressure, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

pressure.02: PRESSURE-V NOTES: No corresponding VN class for movement sense. (from pressure.02-v)


pressure (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: mover
        Arg1-PPT: moved
        Argm-DIR: ahead, usually

Example: somewhat odd usage

        [The Nikkei index]-1 was pressured *trace*-1 down by profit-taking triggered by sharp advances made through this week and fell 151.20 points to 35527.29.

        Rel: pressured
        Arg1: *trace*
        Argm-dir: down
        Arg0: by profit-taking triggered by sharp advances made through this week