Predicate: phosphorylate

Roleset id: phosphorylate.01 , introduce a phosphate group into an organic compound, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

phosphorylate.01: PHOSPHORYLATE-V NOTES: Created for Bio-AMR annotations.


phosphorylate (v.)
phosphorylation (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: intentional agent of phosphorylation (e.g. person)
        Arg1-PPT: thing phosphorylated (e.g. protein or another organic molecule)
        Arg2-MNR: instrument (e.g. enzyme)
        Arg3-PRD: product of phosphorylation (e.g. protein or another organic molecule)

Example: phosphorylate-v: passivized, with product of the reaction

        What is most striking in our proteomic analysis of PHF is the abundance of [MAP peptides]-1 phosphorylated *-1 from MAP1.

        Rel: phosphorylated
        Arg3: *-1
        Arg1: from MAP1

Example: phosphorylate-v: volitional agent and instrument

        To first address the former possibility, we phosphorylated PTEN in vitro with CK2 and analyzed the phosphorylation by autoradiography, tryptic peptide mapping, phosphoamino acid analysis, and tandem mass spectrometry.

        Argm-prp: To first address the former possibility
        Arg0: we
        Rel: phosphorylated
        Arg1: PTEN
        Argm-loc: in vitro
        Arg2: with CK2

Example: phosphorylation-n

        Reversible phosphorylation of proteins is an important regulatory mechanism that occurs in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.

        Argm-adj: Reversible
        Rel: phosphorylation
        Arg1: of proteins