Predicate: myelosuppress

Roleset id: myelosuppress.01 , decreasing bone marrow activity, resulting in fewer red blood cells, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

myelosuppress.01: MYELOSUPPRESSION-N NOTES: Relation to verb-suppress.01. (from myelosuppression.01-n) MYELOSUPPRESS-V NOTES: Automatically added alias. MYELOSUPPRESSED-J NOTES: Automatically added alias. MYELOSUPPRESSIVE-J NOTES: Automatically added alias.


myelosuppress (v.)
myelosuppression (n.)
myelosuppressive (j.)
myelosuppressed (j.)


        Arg0-PAG: cause of myelosuppression (vnrole: 16-agent, 42.3-agent)
        Arg1-PPT: entity experiencing myelosuppression (vnrole: 16-patient, 42.3-patient)

Example: myelosuppress-v

        Busulfan (BU) is a clinically employed, well-established chemotherapeutic agent used *PRO* to myelosuppress patients prior to receiving BM transplants.

        Arg0: *PRO*
        Rel: myelosuppress
        Arg1: patients
        Argm-tmp: prior to receiving BM transplants

Example: myelosuppression-n

        Myelosuppression of thrombocytes and monocytes is associated with a lack of synergy between chemotherapy and anti-VEGF treatment.

        Rel: Myelosuppression
        Arg1: of thrombocytes and monocytes

Example: myelosuppressive-j

        In contrast, VLB is myelosuppressive.

        Argm-dis: In contrast
        Arg0: VLB
        Rel: myelosuppressive

Example: myelosuppressed-j

        To prevent infection when-1 patient is myelosuppressed *-1.

        Arg1: patient
        Rel: myelosuppressed
        Argm-tmp: *-1