Predicate: monkey_around

Roleset id: monkey_around.01 , waste time (often by) fiddling with something idly, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

monkey_around.01: MONKEY_AROUND-V NOTES: Frame created by Arrick (from monkey.01-v)


monkey_around (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: entity wasting time, fiddling
        Arg1-PPT: cause, manner, thing arg 1 fiddling around with

Example: idle government

        but the idea of the government and special prosecutors monkeying around with the relationship that *ICH* reporters have *T* with sources ah is a -- is a very bad thing.

        Arg0: the government and special prosecutors
        Rel: [ monkeying] [ around]
        Arg1: with the relationship that *ICH* reporters have *T* with sources