Predicate: live

Roleset id: live.01 , not be dead, being alive, exist in some manner or for some length of time, alive, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

live.01: LIVE-V NOTES: Frames file for 'live' based on sentences in financial subcorpus and conversion from Chris' old file. This should be amusing. Verbnet entry 47.1, other framed members include depend. Framenet entry Residence and Thriving. (from live.01-v predicate notes) LIVING-N NOTES: live.01 (from living.01-n) LIVED-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on medi-tmprl1to8. (from lived.01-j) LIVING-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on medi-tmprl1to8. (from living.01-j)


live (v.)Residence Thriving
living (n.)
lived (j.)
living (j.)
alive (j.)


        Use argMs for modifiers: 'short-lived', etc. (from lived.01-j)
        Arg0-PAG: alive entity (vnrole: 39.6-agent, 47.1-1-theme, 46-theme)
        Arg1-PPT: life

Example: ARG0

        A Mrs. Chao , who lives in Neihu , explains that on weekends or vacation days the whole family sleeps late .

        Arg0: [A Mrs. Chao][who]
        Rel: lives
        Argm-loc: in Neihu

Example: live-v: a kind of manner

        person: ns,  tense: past,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        He lived with her.

        Arg0: He
        Rel: lived
        Argm-mnr: with her

Example: ARG0 and ARG1

        " Snake Daddy " Lin Hua - ching says that as far as is known from observation of snakes in the wild , they live largely solitary lives .

        Argm-adv: as far as is known from observation of snakes in the wild
        Arg0: they
        Rel: live
        Arg1: largely solitary lives

Example: living-n: Arg0, LOC

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        His works of the 1960s show the influence of his travels in Europe and his living in New York City at the height of the abstract expressionists.

        Arg0: his
        Rel: living
        Argm-loc: in New York City
        Argm-tmp: at the height of the abstract expressionists

Example: living-n: Arg0,1

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        He forgot to mention his living a life of quiet.

        Arg0: his
        Rel: living
        Arg1: a life of quiet

Example: lived-j: MNR and arg1

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        I would like to move into the next stage of my life as an older woman, hopefully putting the wisdom of a hard-lived life to good use, both at home and at work.

        Argm-mnr: hard
        Rel: lived
        Arg1: life

Example: lived-j: arg1, TMP

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        The episode was very short - lived , and the patient was conversant throughout .

        Arg0: The episode
        Argm-tmp: very short
        Rel: lived

Example: alive-j: Somewhat depressing example

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        In 10 yrs time with radiation alone, she has a 65% chance of PRO being alive and disease free.

        Arg0: PRO
        Rel: alive

Roleset id: live.02 , endure, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

live.02: LIVE-V NOTES: Frames file for 'live' based on sentences in financial subcorpus and conversion from Chris' old file. This should be amusing. Verbnet entry 47.1, other framed members include depend. Framenet entry Residence and Thriving. (from live.02-v predicate notes) LIVING-N NOTES: live.02 (from living.02-n)


living (n.)
live (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: endurer, sufferer
        Arg1-PPT: malady

Example: live-v: live with

        person: ns,  tense: future,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        Richard Bernstein, senior quantitative analyst at Merrill Lynch& Co, says, ``My gut feel is that we'll live with those swings for a while.''

        Arg0: we
        Argm-mod: 'll
        Rel: live
        Arg1: with those swings
        Argm-tmp: for a while

Example: live-v: endure an infinitive S

        person: ns,  tense: past,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        Investors who sold everything after the crash of 1987 lived to regret it.

        Arg0: Investors who sold everything after the crash of 1987
        Rel: lived
        Arg1: to regret it

Example: ARG0 and ARG1

        I have learned the secret of how to live through any kind of situation -- when I have enough to eat or when I am hungry , when I have everything I need or when I have nothing .

        Arg0: I
        Argm-mnr: how
        Rel: live
        Arg1: through any kind of situation -- when I have enough to eat or when I am hungry , when I have everything I need or when I have nothing

Example: living-n: Arg0,1 (live through)

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        I suspect that it was his living through the economic depression of the 1930s--he walked some of the way with, and provided medical support to, the Jarrow hunger marches in 1936--and the war years that led to his strong views on social justice and left-wing political stance.

        Arg0: his
        Rel: living
        Arg1: through the economic depression of the 1930s

Roleset id: live.08 , being broadcast in real time, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

live.08: LIVE-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on AMR data


live (j.)


        Arg1-PPT: entity being broadcast in real time

Example: live-j

        Noguchi-1 tweeted *-1 live from the space station on his Twitter account .

        Arg1: *-1
        Rel: live

Predicate: live_down

Roleset id: live_down.06 , withstand an incident until others forget, , Source: , vncls: , framnet:

live_down.06: LIVE_DOWN-V NOTES: Frames for 'live down' based on sentences in ectb2. (from live.06-v predicate notes) LIVING_DOWN-N NOTES: (from living.06-n)


live_down (v.)
living_down (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: agent, one who withstands
        Arg1-PPT: incident, crime, impression

Example: live_down-v

        * Life down that image.

        Arg0: *
        Rel: [lives] [down]
        Arg1: that image

Example: living_down-n: Arg0,1

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        Furthest, and keenest of all, she read into the incident the impossibility of his living down his working-class origin.

        Arg0: his
        Rel: living down
        Arg1: his working-class origin

Predicate: live_on

Roleset id: live_on.03 , continue, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

live_on.03: LIVE_ON-V NOTES: (from live.03-v) LIVING_ON-N NOTES: live.03 (from living.03-n)


live_on (v.)
living_on (n.)


        Arg1-PPT: thing continuing
        Arg2-COM: comitative: group, things kept together
        Arg3-PRD: attributive

Example: ARG1

        His legacy will live on through his students .

        Arg1: His legacy
        Argm-mod: will
        Rel: [on][live]
        Argm-mnr: through his students

Example: living_on-n: Arg1,3

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        The worst part of dying is his living on without me.

        Arg1: his
        Rel: living on
        Arg3: without me

Predicate: live_up

Roleset id: live_up.04 , fulfill, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

live_up.04: LIVE_UP-V NOTES: (from live.04-v) LIVING_UP-N NOTES: live.04 (from living.04-n)


live_up (v.)
living_up (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: fulfiller
        Arg1-PPT: fulfilled

Example: live_up-v: typical usage

        person: third,  tense: present,  aspect: perfect,  voice: active,  form: participle

        The current dispute involves allegations that Charlotte, N.C.-based First Union hasn't lived up to its responsibilities under the reinvestment act.

        Arg0: Charlotte, N.C.-based First Union
        Argm-neg: n't
        Rel: [ lived] [ up]
        Arg1: to its responsibilities under the reinvestment act

Example: living_up-n: Arg0,1

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        Often a court includes military leaders, law enforcement personnel, tax collectors and other bureaucrats that assist the nobleman in his living up to his responsibilities.

        Arg0: his
        Rel: living up
        Arg1: to his responsibilities

Predicate: live_out

Roleset id: live_out.05 , live to the end/completion, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

live_out.05: LIVE_OUT-V NOTES: Frame edited by Arrick (from live.05-v) LIVING_OUT-N NOTES: live.05 (from living.05-n)


living_out (n.)
live_out (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: alive entity
        Arg1-PPT: life

Example: live_out-v: live_out

        If it does that then in fact the ~UN can live out ... what it was supposed *-1 to be *T*-2.

        Argm-adv: If it does that
        Argm-adv: then
        Argm-dis: in fact
        Arg0: the ~UN
        Argm-mod: can
        Rel: [ lived] [ out]
        Arg1: what it was supposed *-1 to be *T*-2.

Example: living_out-n: Arg0,1

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        The worst would have been Milosevic walking free and the second worst would be his living out his days in a cushy prison facility similar to the one he's spent his last years in.

        Arg0: his
        Rel: living out
        Arg1: his days
        Argm-loc: in a cushy prison facility similar to the one he's spent his last years in

Predicate: livable

Roleset id: livable.07 , suitable to be lived in, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

livable.07: LIVABLE-J NOTES: Added automatically by Julia. Related to live-v.01 (from livable.01-j)


livable (j.)


        Arg1-PPT: place that is suitable to be lived in

Example: livable-j

        We drove around, looked at a few houses, did a little sightseeing, and quietly came to the realization that it was a place that was livable.