Predicate: lag

Roleset id: lag.01 , move more slowly, , Source: , vncls: , framnet:

lag.01: LAG-V NOTES: Frames file for 'lag' based on sentences in financial subcorpus. No Verbnet entry. Comparison with 'outpace' which I fortunately just framed. (from lag.01-v predicate notes) LAG-N NOTES: (from lag.01-n)


lag (v.)
lag (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: entity moving slower
        Arg1-PPT: entity moving faster
        Arg2-EXT: margin

Example: lag-v: lag behind

        Yesterday, bank stocks lagged behind the overall OTC market.

        Argm-tmp: Yesterday
        Arg0: bank stocks
        Rel: lagged
        Arg1: behind the overall OTC market

Example: lag-v: NP object

        But the move lagged a stronger rise in New York Stock Exchange issues.

        Argm-dis: But
        Arg0: the move
        Rel: lagged
        Arg1: a stronger rise in New York Stock Exchange issues

Example: lag-v: with EXT

        Advancers on the Big Board lagged decliners 662 to 829.

        Arg0: Advancers on the Big Board
        Rel: lagged
        Arg1: decliners
        Arg2: 662 to 829

Example: lag-v: with MNR

        Amoco Corp. said third-quarter net income plunged 39% to $336 million as gasoline refining and marketing profits lagged substantially behind last year's record level.

        Arg0: gasoline refining and marketing profits
        Rel: lagged
        Arg2: substantially
        Arg1: behind last year's record level

Example: lag-n

        There was a 10-min lag before PMS stimulation was evident.

        Arg2: 10-min
        Rel: lag