Predicate: incorporate

Roleset id: incorporate.01 , (cause) a corporate entity to have a certain tax status, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

incorporate.01: INCORPORATE-V NOTES: Frames file for 'incorporate' based on sentences in financial subcorpus. Verbnet entries amalgamate-22.2, other framed members include confuse, integrate, indroduce, oppose, and wed. None of those make any sense to me. Comparison with 'base'. (from incorporate.01-v predicate notes)


incorporate (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: causer of tax status (vnrole: 22.2-1-agent)
        Arg1-PPT: corporation (vnrole: 22.2-1-patient)
        Argm-LOC: location

Example: WSJ usage

        Nekoosa-1 is incorporated *trace*-1 in Maine .

        Rel: incorporated
        Arg1: *trace*
        Argm-loc: in Maine

Example: ARG0 and ARG1

        uh also it it it incorporates securing Baghdad as the capital of Iraq and also increasing the uh protection of the infrastructure uh uh formation of special forces or target oriented special forces uh uh also increasing the intelligence activity because you know this is a intelligence uh led war , this is not a traditional classical war /.

        Argm-dis: uh
        Argm-adv: also
        Arg0: it
        Rel: incorporates
        Arg1: securing Baghdad as the capital of Iraq and also increasing the uh protection of the infrastructure uh uh formation of special forces or target oriented special forces uh uh also increasing the intelligence activity
        Argm-cau: because you know this is a intelligence uh led war , this is not a traditional classical war

Roleset id: incorporate.02 , blend, mix, consolidate into one, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

incorporate.02: INCORPORATE-V NOTES: Frames file for 'incorporate' based on sentences in financial subcorpus. Verbnet entries amalgamate-22.2, other framed members include confuse, integrate, indroduce, oppose, and wed. None of those make any sense to me. Comparison with 'base'. (from incorporate.02-v predicate notes) INCORPORATION-N NOTES: Based on ontonotes nouns. Comparison to incorporate.02-v. Incorporate.02 is a member of VN class amalgamate-22.2-1. Framed by Katie. (from incorporation.01-n)


incorporate (v.)
incorporation (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: mixer, integrater (vnrole: 22.2-1-agent)
        Arg1-PPT: figure (vnrole: 22.2-1-patient)
        Arg2-PPT: ground (vnrole: 22.2-1-co-patient)

Example: ARG0 and ARG1 and ARG2

        In addition to Taiwanese teaching materials , she has also incorporated some materials from the mainland and overseas into the curriculum .

        Argm-adv: In addition to Taiwanese teaching materials
        Arg0: she
        Argm-adv: also
        Rel: incorporated
        Arg1: some materials from the mainland and overseas
        Arg2: into the curriculum

Example: with figure and ground

        the incorporation of Mongolia into a union republic

        Rel: incorporation
        Arg1: Mongolia
        Arg2: into a union republic