The results topped analysts' expectations and the earnings growth of competitors, prompting traders to all but forget the product-launch delays that bogged down the company for much of the past two years.
        Arg0: traders
        Argm-ext: all but
        Rel: forget
        Arg1: the product-launch delays that bogged down the company for much of the past two years
        They found they had bought stock from limit orders that they might have entered weeks or months earlier and had forgotten to cancel.
        Arg0: they
        Rel: forgotten
        Arg1: to cancel
        On Oct. 19, 1987, [some investors]-1 learned the consequences of entering ``good-til-canceled limit orders'' and then *trace*-1 forgetting about them.
        Arg0: *trace*-1
        Rel: forgetting
        Arg1: about them