Predicate: farnesylate

Roleset id: farnesylate.01 , attach a farnesyl group to a protein, Source: , vncls: , framnet:


farnesylate (v.)
farnesylation (n.)


        For Bio-AMR annotations.
        Arg0-PAG: intentional agent of farnesylation (e.g. scientist)
        Arg1-PPT: thing farnesylated
        Arg2-MNR: instrument
        Arg3-PRD: result of farnesylation

Example: example with instrument

        N-(Ac)-CSIM was in vitro farnesylated with [3H]FPP (20 Ci/mmol) and farnesyltransferase and incubated with either mock-infected membranes (i) or reconstituted.

        Arg1: N-(Ac)-CSIM
        Arg2: with [3H]FPP (20 Ci/mmol) and farnesyltransferase

Example: example with result

        Preferably, the polypeptide that represents the substrate is farnesylated to a cysteine moiety.

        Arg1: the polypeptide that represents the substrate
        Arg3: a cysteine moiety