Predicate: enunciate
Roleset id: enunciate.01 , vocalize, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
enunciate.01: ENUNCIATE-V NOTES: Framed by Ben. (from enunciate.01-v)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
enunciate (v.) | | |
enunciation (n.) | | |
Arg0-PAG: person speaking
Arg1-PPT: speech
Example: enunciate-v: transitive
person: ns, tense: ns, aspect: ns, voice: ns, form: ns
It 's your decision '' , said [*T*-1] Juanita , [*-2]holding her face very still , trying [*-3] to contain the bitterness of her voice as she enunciated her words too distinctly .
Arg0: she
Rel: enunciated
Arg1: her words
ArgM-MNR: too distinctly