Predicate: download

Roleset id: download.01 , transfer data from one computer to another, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

download.01: DOWNLOAD-V NOTES: Frame by Claire (from download.01-v) DOWNLOADING-N NOTES: (from downloading.01-n)


downloading (n.)
download (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: downloader, agent
        Arg1-PPT: file or program downloaded
        Arg2-GOL: storage device, downloaded to where?

Example: Transitive

        ...The Chinese-language search engine "Yam" helps parents download filtering software that can block access to obscene materials online.

        Arg0: parents
        Rel: download
        Arg1: filtering software that can block access to obscene materials online.

Example: With Storage device

        John helped Mary-1 *-1 download videos onto her cell phone.

        Arg0: *-1 -- Mary
        Rel: download
        Arg1: videos
        Arg2: onto her cell phone