Predicate: deny

Roleset id: deny.01 , turn down, reject, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

deny.01: DENY-V NOTES: Member of VNcls conjecture-29.5-1. Comparison with 'approve'. (from deny.01-v)


deny (v.)Statement


        Arg0-PAG: denier (vnrole: 29.5-1-agent)
        Arg1-PPT: thing denied (vnrole: 29.5-1-predicate, 29.5-1-theme)
        Arg2-GOL: anti-benefactive: entity being denied arg1

Example: transitive, no benefactive

        Earlier this year, the Fed denied an application by Continental Bank Corp. to purchase Grand Canyon State Bank in Scottsdale, Ariz., on grounds that Continental hadn't fully complied with the Community Reinvestment Act.

        Argm-tmp: Earlier this year
        Arg0: the Fed
        Rel: denied
        Arg1: an application by Continental Bank Corp. to purchase Grand Canyon State Bank in Scottsdale, Ariz.
        Argm-cau: on grounds that Continental hadn't fully complied with the Community Reinvestment Act

Example: deny an S

        In affidavits filed yesterday in the Los Angeles court, Mr. Ross, Warner Bros. Chairman Robert Daly and President Semel deny that such an oral agreement was ever made.

        Argm-loc: in affidavits filed yesterday in the Los Angeles court
        Arg0: Mr. Ross , Warner Bros. Chairman Robert Daly and President Semel
        Rel: deny
        Arg1: that such an oral agreement was ever made

Example: ARG0 and ARG2 and ARG1

        Lawmakers in Moscow voted to deny the Communist Party its 100 guaranteed seats in the Soviet Congress , meaning Gorbachev and other aides might have to face voters .

        Arg0: Lawmakers in Moscow
        Rel: deny
        Arg2: the Communist Party
        Arg1: its 100 guaranteed seats in the Soviet Congress

Predicate: deniable

Roleset id: deniable.02 , able to be denied, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

deniable.02: DENIABLE-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT-6, relation to deny.01. (from deniable.01-j)


deniable (j.)


        Arg0-PAG: denier
        Arg1-PPT: thing denied
        Arg2-GOL: hearer

Example: arg1

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        Nagoya 's Mayor Shintaro Ishihara uttered total nonsense : " when the ' Nanjing Incident ' happened in 1937 , normal acts of war are not deniable , which is a pity , but the so - called ' Nanjing Incident ' could not have happened . "

        Argm-tmp: when the ' Nanjing Incident ' happened in 1937
        Arg1: normal acts of war
        Argm-neg: not
        Rel: deniable
        Argm: which is a pity