Predicate: decompensate

Roleset id: decompensate.01 , deteriorate, become unable to compensate for a deficiency, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

decompensate.01: DECOMPENSATION-N NOTES: (from decompensation.01-n)


decompensate (v.)
decompensation (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: causer of deterioration
        Arg1-PPT: Entity deteriorating
        Arg2-PRD: End state (deteriorating into)
        Arg3-DIR: start state (deteriorating from)

Example: decompensate-v

        Accommodative esotropia decompensated to cyclic esotropia in a 6-year-old boy.

        Arg1: Accommodative esotropia
        Rel: decompensated
        Arg2: to cyclic esotropia
        Argm-loc: in a 6-year-old boy

Example: decompensation-n: args 2, 3

        Coronary vascular mechanisms involved in decompensation from hypertrophy to heart failure.

        Rel: decompensation
        Arg3: from hypertrophy
        Arg2: to heart failure

Example: decompensation-n: with arg0

        The prevention of metabolic decompensation from the "stress" of illness and surgery is a key goal in the management of diabetes in the hospitalized patient.

        Arg1: metabolic
        Rel: decompensation
        Arg0: from the "stress" of illness and surgery