Predicate: crop
Roleset id: crop.01 , to cut, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
crop.01: CROP-V NOTES: Based on WSJ. Member of VNcls carve-21.2-2, braid-41.2.2. (from crop.01-v)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
crop (v.) | | |
Arg0-PAG: cutter, agent (vnrole: 21.2-2-Agent, 41.2.2-Agent)
Arg1-PPT: entity cropped (vnrole: 21.2-2-Patient, 41.2.2-Patient)
Arg2-EXT: extend
Arg3-DIR: start point
Arg4-GOL: end point
Example: with four arguments
person: ns, tense: past, aspect: ns, voice: active, form: full
Yet yesterday 's market cropped Dresdner 's share price by 33 marks to 309 marks a share , [*] leaving little incentive for investors to subscribe to the standing price unless the market recovers quickly .
Argm-dis: Yet
Arg0: yesterday 's market
Rel: cropped
Arg1: Dresdner 's share price
Arg2: by 33 marks
Arg4: to 309 marks a share
Argm-adv: [*] leaving little incentive for investors to subscribe to the standing price unless the market recovers quickly
Predicate: crop_up
Roleset id: crop_up.02 , to appear unexpectedly, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
crop_up.02: CROP_UP-V NOTES: No VNcls. (from crop.02-v)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
crop_up (v.) | | |
Arg1-PAG: entity cropped
Example: ARG1
Hugh Johnson , chief investment officer at First Albany Corp. , agreed that a deteriorating economy is worrisome , but he said the real concern among stock investors is that some new problem will crop up in the junk bond market .
Arg1: some new problem
Argm-mod: will
Rel: [up][crop]
Argm-loc: in the junk bond market