Predicate: consist
Roleset id: consist.01 , be composed of pieces, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
consist.01: CONSIST-V NOTES: Based on sentences in financial subcorpus. No verbnet entry. Comparison with 'exist'. (from consist.01-v)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
consist (v.) | | |
Arg1-PPT: whole
Arg2-VSP: parts
Example: prepositional
[The second part]-1, *trace*-1 consisting of $100 million of senior subordinated floating-rate notes, was priced at 99 3/4 to float 4.25% above the three-month London interbank offered rate.
Arg1: *trace*-1
Rel: consisting
Arg2: of $100 million of senior subordinated floating-rate notes
Example: verbal
The collateral consists of collateralized whole loans with a weighted average coupon rate of 11.08% and weighted average remaining term to maturity of 28 years.
Arg1: The collateral
Rel: consists
Arg2: of collateralized whole loans with a weighted average coupon rate of 11.08% and weighted average remaining term to maturity of 28 years