Roleset id: conclude.01 , come to/point to a decision based on evidence, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
conclude.01: CONCLUDE-V NOTES: Frames file for 'conclude' based on sentences in financial subcorpus. Comparison with 'decide'. Member of VNcls deduce-97.2. (from conclude.01-v) CONCLUSION-N NOTES: Roleset basedon verb entry conclude.01, OntoNotes grouping conclusion-n sense 2;maps to VN class deduce-97.2. Framed by Claire. (from conclusion.01-n) CONCLUSIVE-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT-4,5. (from conclusive.01-j)
conclusive (j.)
conclude (v.)
conclusion (n.)
Arg2 new to the adjective frame, but can occur in the verb as well. It is vital to this adjectival use. (from conclusive.01-j) Arg0-PAG: decider (vnrole: 97.2-agent)
Arg1-PPT: decision made (vnrole: 97.2-theme)
Arg2-PPT: question answered Arg3-CAU: evidence
Example: conclude-v: icky
An undistinguished college student who dabbled in zoology until he concluded that he couldn't stand cutting up frogs, Mr.Corry wanted to work for a big company ``that could do big things.''
Arg0: he Rel: concluded Arg1: that he couldn't stand cutting up frogs
Example: conclusion-n: Args 0 & 1
The most important one was her conclusion that radioactivity is an "atomic" phenomenon, not something caused by the molecular structure of the mineral.
Arg0: her Rel: conclusion Arg1: that radioactivity is an "atomic" phenomenon, not something caused by the molecular structure of the mineral.
Example: conclusion-n: Args 0 & 1
In particular, their conclusion that support for language rights among anglophones is unrelated to a general commitment tocivil rights is surprising.
Arg0: their Rel: conclusion Arg1: that support for language rights among anglophones is unrelated to a general commitment to civil rights
I would n't support it for first time offenses , but when a criminal is given a second chance and reoffends , I 'm all for it... I mean , if the evidence is 100 % conclusive that is , which is the case most of the time now with modern technology etc
Arg3: the evidence Argm-ext: 100% Rel: conclusive Argm-adv: that is Argm-adv: which is the case most of the time now with modern technology etc.
Roleset id: conclude.02 , bring to an end, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
conclude.02: CONCLUDE-V NOTES: Comparison with 'end'. Member of VNcls stop-55.4-1. Updated by Julia, 11/2010. (from conclude.02-v) CONCLUSION-N NOTES: (from conclusion.02-n)
conclude (v.)
Process_end, Activity_finish
conclusion (n.)
Arg0-PAG: Intentional agent (vnrole: 55.4-1-agent)
Arg1-PPT: Thing ending (vnrole: 55.4-1-theme)
Arg2-MNR: Explicit instrument, thing ended with (vnrole: 55.4-1-instrument)
Argm-TMP: point at which something ends
Example: only transitive
Mr. Nichol said he was ``extremely disappointed in the continuing deterioration of the company's operations while it-1 attempted *trace*-1 to conclude the reorganization during the pastfour months.''
Arg0: *trace*-1 Rel: conclude Arg1: the reorganization Argm-tmp: during the past four months
Example: ARG2 and ARG0 and ARG1
Lebanon , Iraq and other hot issues were for the most part the gist of the call with which the Gulf leaders concluded their 27th summit in Riyadh .
Arg2: [with which][the call] Arg0: the Gulf leaders Rel: concluded Arg1: their 27th summit in Riyadh
A long-time Tri-State area radio personality, in October 2009 he concluded doing a regular morning program on ?Oldies 1160?.
Argm-prd: A long-time Tri-State area radio personality Argm-tmp: in October 2009 Arg0: he Rel: concluded Arg1: doing a regular morning program on "Oldies 1160"
Example: ergative
person: third, tense: present, aspect: ns, voice: ns, form: full
In this jeremiad , males are viewed as the ? enemy , ? and are so characterized throughout the book , which-1 *trace*-1 concludes with exhortations to engage the foe and a strident call to arms-LRB- though not men 's -RRB- .
Arg1: *trace*-1 (= which) Argm-slc: which -> the book Rel: concludes Arg2: with exhortations to engage the foe and a strident call to arms -LRB- though not men's -RBR-
Example: Arg1
Much of Europe lay in ruins at the conclusion of World War II.
Thomas began covering the White House with the Kennedy Administration in 1961, becoming known for her front-row seat at presidential news conference and her conclusion of conferences with the tagline "Thank you, Mr. President."
Arg0: her Rel: conclusion Arg1: of conferences Arg2: with the tagline "Thank you, Mr. President."