Predicate: compute
Roleset id: compute.01 , to calculate, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
compute.01: COMPUTE-V NOTES: Frames file for 'compute' based on survey of sentences in the WSJ corpus. Comparison with 'calculate'. (from compute.01-v predicate notes)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
compute (v.) | | |
computation (n.) | | |
Arg0-PAG: calculator, agent (vnrole: 26.4-Agent)
Arg1-PRD: entity calculated (vnrole: 26.4-Result)
Arg2-VSP: value (vnrole: 26.4-Material)
Example: transitive
person: ns, tense: present, aspect: ns, voice: active, form: full
Jack Greenberg , executive vice president and chief financial officer of McDonald 's , says [0] the company does n't compute , much less disclose , inflation-adjusted , same-store sales .
Arg0: the company
Argm-neg: n't
Rel: compute
Arg1: inflation-adjusted , same-store sales
Example: with Arg2
person: ns, tense: ns, aspect: ns, voice: ns, form: ns
He said [0] the stock has n't traded below 1 1\/2 times book value [*ICH*-3]over the past 10 years , which at the moment [*T*-1] computes to a stock price of $ 100 [*U*] .
Argm-tmp: at the moment
Arg1: [*T*-1]
Argm-rcl: which -> 1 1\/2 times book value [*ICH*-3]
Rel: computes
Arg2: to a stock price of $ 100 [*U*]
Example: cryo example
person: ns, tense: ns, aspect: ns, voice: ns, form: ns
The computation of the associated uncertainty.
Rel: computation
Arg1: of the associated uncertainty