Predicate: compassion

Roleset id: compassion.01 , state of sympathy, understanding for another, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

compassion.01: COMPASSION-N NOTES: Roleset based on instances in BOLT P01. Loose comparison to sympathize.01. No VN mapping, FN: Experiencer_focus, Others_situation_as_stimulus, Social_interaction_evaluation. (from compassion.01-n)


compassion (n.)Social_interaction_evaluation Others_situation_as_stimulus Experiencer_focus


        Arg0-PPT: Experiencer of compassion
        Arg1-CAU: Stimulus, what arg0 has compassion for

Example: All args

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        She had lost her compassion for people and a thick crust of indifference had formed around her feelings.

        Arg0: her
        Rel: compassion
        Arg1: for people