Predicate: change

Roleset id: change.01 , transform, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

change.01: CHANGE-V NOTES: "Start state" and "thing changing" are usually the same, but there canbe cases where they are separate. Reserve use of Arg3 for these cases. (from change.01-v) CHANGE-N NOTES: Roleset based on verb entry change.01. VerbNet classes 26.6.1 45.4. (from change.01-n)


change (v.)
change (n.)
make_change (l.)
changing (n.)


        "Start state" and "thing changing" are usually the same, but there canbe cases where they are separate. Reserve use of Arg3 for these cases. (from change.01-n)
        Arg0-PAG: causer of transformation (vnrole: 26.6.1-1-Agent, 45.4-Agent)
        Arg1-PPT: thing changing (vnrole: 26.6.1-1-Patient, 45.4-Patient)
        Arg2-PRD: end state (vnrole: 26.6.1-1-Result)
        Arg3-VSP: start state (vnrole: 26.6.1-1-Material)

Example: agentive

        The commercial changed the dynamics of the campaign.

        Arg0: The commercial
        Rel: changed
        Arg1: the dynamics of the campaign

Example: ergative

        ...customers whose addresses have changed during the past 3 1/2 years.

        Arg1: whose addresses
        Rel: changed
        Argm-tmp: during the past 3 1/2 years

Example: passive

        ...[the areas]-1 that can be most easily changed *trace*-1

        Argm-mod: can
        Argm-mnr: most easily
        Rel: changed
        Arg1: *trace*-1

Example: with end state

        ...erasures changed wrong answers to right ones on a statewide test.

        Arg0: erasures
        Rel: changed
        Arg1: wrong answers
        Arg2: to right ones
        Argm-loc: on a statewide test

Example: explicit start state

        Customers change from borrowers to savers/investors.

        Arg1: Customers
        Rel: change
        Arg3: from borrowers
        Arg2: to savers/investors

Example: Within light verb construction

        Now , did there come a time when you learned that the board had made a change to the biology curriculum ?

        Arg0: the board
        Argm-lvb: made
        Rel: change
        Arg1: to the biology curriculum

Example: Question: with args 2 & 3

        What is the change from liquid to solid called?

        Rel: change
        Arg3: from liquid
        Arg2: to solid

Example: All arguments...depressing

        Standard& Poor's (S & P) announced their change to the debt outlook of United States from 'stable' to 'negative.'

        Arg0: their
        Rel: change
        Arg1: to the debt outlook of United States
        Arg3: from 'stable'
        Arg2: to 'negative.'

Roleset id: change.02 , change hands, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

change.02: CHANGE-V NOTES: Frames file for 'change' based on survey of initial sentences of big corpus and comparison with 'develop' and 'replace' and 'turn' (from change.02-v predicate notes)


change (v.)


        Arg1-PPT: commodity being exchanged (vnrole: 13.6-1-Theme)
        Arg2-PPT: hands (vnrole: 13.6-1-co-theme)

Example: change hands

        4.4 million shares changed hands.

        Arg1: 4.4 million shares
        Rel: changed
        Arg2: hands