Predicate: asphalt
Roleset id: asphalt.01 , face, cover with asphalt, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
asphalt.01: ASPHALT-V NOTES: Hand-corrected by Claire (from asphalt.01-v)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
asphalt (v.) | | |
        Arg0-PAG: construction worker, person laying asphalt (vnrole: 9.9-agent)
        Arg1-GOL: road, thing paved (vnrole: 9.9-destination)
        Arg2-PPT: asphalt itself, type of pavement used (vnrole: 9.9-theme)
Example: typical usage
        He asphalted a lot of roads here.
        Arg0: he
        Rel: asphalted
        Arg1: a lot of roads here
Example: Interesting content, transitive
        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns
        The legend is von Braun didn't want to mow his grass so he asphalted most of his lawn and painted it green.
        Arg0: he
        Rel: asphalted
        Arg1: most of his lawn
Example: ARG2
        [Roads]-1 are normally asphalted *trace*-1 with asphalt which has a high percentage of large aggregate, since such asphalt is more hard-wearing than asphalt which has a high percentage of fine materials.
        Argm-adv: normally
        Rel: asphalted
        Arg1: *trace*-1
        Arg2: with asphalt which has a high percentage of large aggregate,
        Argm-cau: since such asphalt is more hard-wearing than asphalt which has a high percentage of fine materials.
Predicate: asphalt_over
Roleset id: asphalt_over.02 , pave, cover with asphalt, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
asphalt_over.02: ASPHALT_OVER-V NOTES: Roleset based on automatic frames created. Framed by Claire. (from asphalt.02-v)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
asphalt_over (v.) | | |
        Arg0-PAG: asphalt layer
        Arg1-PPT: location, entity being covered in asphalt
        Arg2-PRD: asphalt itself
Example: No asphalt mentioned.
        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns
        Here in Pennsylvania they asphalted over half a dead deer by the side of the road.
        Argm-loc: Here in Pennsylvania
        Arg0: they
        Rel: [asphalted][over]
        Arg1: half a dead deer by the side of the road