Predicate: abound

Roleset id: abound.01 , be plentiful, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

abound.01: ABOUND-V NOTES: Based on financial subcorpus. No comparison. Member of Vncls swarm-47.5.1-2-1. (from abound.01-v)


abound (v.)Abundance


        Arg1-LOC: thing which is plentiful (vnrole: 47.5.1-2-1-Location)
        Arg2-PPT: thing which has arg1 in great supply (vnrole: 47.5.1-2-1-Theme)

Example: just arg1

        That means that on days when prices are tumbling and sellers abound they must be willing to buy shares from sellers when no one else will.

        Arg1: sellers
        Rel: abound

Example: ARG2 and ARG1

        Shanxi province is located at the intersection of the Mid-west and the East , and is also an important national production base for coal and electricity commodities , is abounding in resources , with low labor costs and land prices , and possessing an industrial foundation abundant in economy and technology and a broad market .

        Arg2: Shanxi province
        Rel: abounding
        Arg1: in resources
        Argm-prd: with low labor costs and land prices
        Argm-prd: possessing an industrial foundation abundant in economy and technology and a broad market