Predicate: miEAyorap

Roleset id: 01 , uglifying, making fun of

        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: entity made fun of
        Arg2: with what


    (CONJ وَ)
      (NOUN مُنذُ)
          (NOUN ٱِسْتِخْدام)
            (DET+NOUN البِتْرَول)
            (DET+ADJ العَرَبِيّ)))
          (PREP فِي)
              (DEM_PRON_MS هَذا))
              (DET+NOUN المَوقِف))))))
      (CONJ وَ))
        (NEG_PART لا))
      (IV3MS+IV يَكف)
        (DET+NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_SG الاِخْوَة)
        (DET+NOUN العَرَب))
        (PREP عَن)
            (NOUN.VN+NSUFF_FEM_SG مِعايْرَة)
              (-NONE- *))
              (NOUN_PROP مِصْر))
              (PREP بِ)
                (PRON_3MS هِ)))))))
    (PUNC ,)))

        Arg0 : * الاخوة العرب
        Gloss: the Arab brothers
        Arg1 : مِصْر
        Gloss: Egypt
        Arg2 : به
        Gloss: by him