Predicate: kAl-i

Roleset id: 01 , to measure, weigh

        Arg0: measurer
        Arg1: thing measured
        Arg2: for whom?


يكيل العطار  القمح  للمشترين

        Arg0 : العطار
        Gloss: spice dealer
        Arg1 : القمح
        Gloss: wheat
        Arg2 : للمشترين
        Gloss: for buyers

Roleset id: 02 , to double

        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: thing increasing
        Arg2: for what or to whom


                                          (PV+PVSUFF_SUBJ:3MS تحمّل)
                                            (-NONE- *))
                                          (PUNC -)
                                            (PREP على)
                                              (NOUN+CASE_DEF_GEN غرار)
                                                (DET+NOUN_PROP المسيح))))
                                          (PUNC -)
                                              (DET+NOUN+CASE_DEF_ACC الكثير)
                                              (DET+NOUN+CASE_DEF_ACC الكثير))
                                              (PREP من)
                                                  (DET+NOUN+CASE_DEF_GEN التهم))
                                                    (REL_PRON التي))
                                                      (PV_PASS+PVSUFF_SUBJ:3FS كيلت)
                                                        (-NONE- *T*-5))
                                                        (-NONE- *-5))
                                                        (PREP ل)
                                                          (PRON_3MS ه)))
                                                        (SUB_CONJ و)
                                                            (PRON_3MS هو))
                                                            (PREP من)
                                                              (PRON_3FS ها)))
                                                            (ADJ+CASE_INDEF_NOM براء)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

        Arg1 : -NONE- *-5 > التهم
        Gloss: they
        Arg2 : له
        Gloss: to him