Predicate: basaT-u

Roleset id: 01 , to delight, make happy

        Arg0: entity causing delight
        Arg1: entity delighted
        Arg2: with what


  (PUNC ")
    (NOUN مرحى))
    (PREP ل)
        (REL_PRON لذي))
          (IV3MS+IV+IVSUFF_MOOD:I يبسط)
            (-NONE- *T*-1))
            (NOUN+CASE_DEF_ACC قلب)
              (DET+NOUN+CASE_DEF_GEN الانسان)))
            (PREP على)
              (NOUN+CASE_DEF_GEN قدر)
                  (NOUN+NSUFF_FEM_SG+CASE_INDEF_GEN حياة))
                  (PREP ب)
                    (NOUN+CASE_DEF_GEN كامل)
                      (POSS_PRON_3FS ها)))))))))))
  (PUNC ")
  (PUNC .))

        Arg0 : -NONE- *T*-1
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : قلب الانسان
        Gloss: the heart of man
        Argm-ext : على قدر حياة بكاملها
        Gloss: throughout a whole life

Roleset id: 02 , to spread out to stretch out, to dominate (multi word expression)

        Arg0: entity stretching
        Arg1: things stretched
        Arg2: to whom or on what


بسط الرجل يده لصاحبه

        Arg0 : الرجل
        Gloss: the man
        Arg1 : يده
        Gloss: his hand
        Arg2 : لصاحبه
        Gloss: to his friend

Roleset id: 03 , to present, to lay open (multi word expression)

        Arg0: entity presenting
        Arg1: things presented
        Arg2: to whom


بسط الرجل أفكاره لزوجته

        Arg0 : الرجل
        Gloss: the man
        Arg1 : أفكاره
        Gloss: his thoughts
        Arg2 : لزوجته
        Gloss: to his wife

Roleset id: 04 , to level off, to flat

        Arg0: doer
        Arg1: things made flat
        Arg2: with what


بسط المزارع الأرض بالمسحاة

        Arg0 : المزارع
        Gloss: the farmer
        Arg1 : الأرض
        Gloss: the ground
        Arg2 : بالمسحاة
        Gloss: with a shovel