Commentary: A non-physical pathway; the route along which something moves.
I followed the track of the hurricane.
The police are on the wrong track, and they'll never find the killer!
I plan to destroy everything in my track!
The river's track leads it to a waterfall.
PropBank: NM
WordNet 2.0 Sense Numbers:
1 2
Commentary: A physical place where races are run, or the actual pathway that races are run along.
I spent my paycheck betting on horses at the track.
When he fell, his knees got cut up on the hard gravel track.
Most tracks are just a big circle.
Head down to the race track before the event starts.
PropBank: NM
WordNet 2.0 Sense Numbers:
Commentary: The pair of parallel bars or rails that wheels can run along.
The train went so fast that it jumped the tracks!
The train tracks go across Siberia without interruption.
A monorail, as its name suggests, has a single track that it runs along.
I've been working on the railroad, and I've been laying track all day.
PropBank: NM
WordNet 2.0 Sense Numbers:
3 9
Commentary: The marks that something leaves behind as it travels. Usually refers to footprints or other physical markings, but it can be used metaphorically.
We walked in the river to avoid leaving tracks.
He falsified his accounting statements to cover his tracks.
Wait a second, John-- these are the tracks of a grizzly bear!
The cart tracks indicated that other vehicles had gone this way before.
The drug addict had ugly track marks all over his arm.
PropBank: NM
WordNet 2.0 Sense Numbers:
Commentary: A selection of music, usually one song. Can also refer to the physical grooves on a phonograph record, or to an individual portion of data on a compact disk; However, the sense primarily refers to music.
The first track on this album is called "California Girls".
I played the record so much that I wore the tracks on the record down.
John just listens to the same track over and over again.
Each track on this disk is a separate word-processor file.
PropBank: NM
WordNet 2.0 Sense Numbers:
5 7 8
Commentary: An endless metal belt, often called a tread or a caterpillar track, on which some vehicles move.
Modern tanks usually run on a track because it helps them cover uneven terrain.
PropBank: NM
WordNet 2.0 Sense Numbers:
Commentary: A group of athletic competitions that usually involve running on a track. Often paired with the word "field".
I ran track in high school, but then I stopped.
There's going to be a track meet tomorrow at noon, and all the track stars are going to be there!
Do you like watching the track and field events in the Olympics?
He was on the track team, and he did the high jump.
PropBank: NM
WordNet 2.0 Sense Numbers: