toss-v; 8 Senses

Sense Number 1: throw lightly or carelessly; send as if thrown in this way

Commentary: Syntax is: NP1[animate] TOSS NP2[concrete] PP
NOTE: Compare to sense 2. The PP doesn't have to be specified as in example 1, but it does have to be implied.
NOTE: Compare to sense 3. Any sentence involving the discarding of an object should not be marked at this sense.

Hey, toss me the ball!
One sun-drenched July day I tossed in the last load of wash and headed out to the beach.
He got tossed in the slammer for throwing knives at his audiences.
Animal activists were tossed out of the Cloverdale Rodeo Sunday after they ran into the competition ring.

VerbNet: throw-17.1-1-1
FrameNet: Cause_motion
PropBank: toss.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1, 3

Sense Number 2: (cause to) move or turn about violently or suddenly

Commentary: Includes: TOSS BACK
NOTE: Includes metaphorical uses. Syntax includes: NP1[animate] TOSS (back) NP2[concrete] NP1[animate] TOSS NP2[abstract]
NOTE: Compare to sense 1. The path/endpoint/direction can be stated but is not obligatory. Also, the verb is iterative in this sense, implying more than one instant of movement.

She tossed and turned all night long.
One kid got tossed by the surf and ended up very close to the leeward break-wall.
She tossed back her head and laughed.
The number that everyone's been tossing around lately is 1.3
million dollars.

VerbNet: crane-40.3.2
FrameNet: Body_movement
PropBank: toss.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 4
WordNet Verb Particle Constructions, Multiword Expressions:
toss_back 1

Sense Number 3: throw away; discard

Commentary: Includes: TOSS AWAY, TOSS OUT Syntax is: NP1[animate] TOSS NP2[inanimate]
NOTE: Compare to sense 1. This sense only includes sentence where tne NP2 (whether it's metaphorical or physical) is being treated as trash. Even if sense 1 could apply to a sentence of this sort, use this sense instead.

Just toss those paper plates when you're done with them.
He tossed out his now-useless plans.
Why would you toss away perfectly good twist ties?
Last year, the Third District Court of Appeal tossed out the verdict.

VerbNet: NM
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: toss.02
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 5
WordNet Verb Particle Constructions, Multiword Expressions:
toss_out 1
toss_away 1

Sense Number 4: lightly flip a coin to see which side comes up, usu. to decide an issue

Consider a coin-tossing experiment in which you tossed a coin 12 times and recorded the number of heads.
Then right at the beginning, they tossed a coin. "Heads he's poor, tails he's rich."
"It's worth about 2 million dollars," she said. "I'll toss you for it," he replied.

VerbNet: throw-17.1-1-1
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: toss.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2

Sense Number 5: TOSS IN: add casually or without ceremony

Commentary: Synax is: NP1[animate] TOSS IN NP2[concrete] NP1[animate] TOSS IN NP2[abstract]
NOTE: Implies that there is a container into which NP2 is tossed. Is: TOSS IN

Marty was quieter, but he tossed in a quip or two when he could manage to get a word in edgewise.
He tossed in a few of the trumpetlike improvisatory lines of a sonero.
This means he tossed in some Greek, which I simply don't want to cope with in an HTML document.
Many florists will toss in boutonnieres for free.

VerbNet: NM
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: NM
WordNet Verb Particle Constructions, Multiword Expressions:
toss_in 1

Sense Number 6: COOKING: mix lightly, usually to coat with something

Commentary: Syntax is: NP1[animate] TOSS NP2[concrete] (IN NP3[material])

She tossed the salad and placed it on the table.
Toss the oiled potatoes in the herbs, then place on a baking sheet.

VerbNet: preparing-26.3-1
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: NM
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 6

Sense Number 7: TOSS OFF: speak or act without regard for the implications

Commentary: Is: TOSS OFF

Here's a little song I tossed off while on holiday.
He simply tossed off a comment about what women want and it got him into a lot of trouble.
Rosie O'Donnell has tossed off countless one-liners and quips in her career.

VerbNet: NM
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: NM
WordNet Verb Particle Constructions, Multiword Expressions:
toss_off 1

Sense Number 8: drink quickly and completely

Commentary: Is: TOSS OFF, TOSS BACK

No sooner had they tossed off their glasses then, so the story goes, they fell down senseless, one and all.--Thomas Hardy
Let's toss back a few after work today.

VerbNet: NM
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: NM
WordNet Verb Particle Constructions, Multiword Expressions:
toss_off 2