siphon-v; 2 Senses

Sense Number 1: transfer from one container to another

NOTE: usually refers to liquids, moving as if through a siphon Syntax is: NP1[agent] SIPHON[concrete] NP2[theme] (PP[source])(PP[destination])

Siphon gas into the tank.
Remaining oil has been siphoned off from sunken tanker in Guimaras.
For seven weeks I lived on the chief's beach and siphoned my water from a river.

VerbNet: funnel-9.3,wipe_instr-10.4.2-1
FrameNet: NP
PropBank: siphon.01,siphon.02
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1, 2
WordNet Verb Particle Constructions, Multiword Expressions:
siphon_off 1

Sense Number 2: tap funds or resources

Commentary: Syntax is: NP1[agent] SIPHON[abstract] NP2[theme] (PP[source])(PP[destination])

A further $3.4bn has since been siphoned off to finance 'security'.
The donated food was mostly siphoned off and sold, while the needy got nothing.
Lykos fed off the life energies of other mutants, and he siphoned energy from Alex.
This season latched onto me like some befouled remora, started sucking and it didn't stop until it had siphoned my soul.

VerbNet: wipe_instr-10.4.2-1
FrameNet: NP
PropBank: siphon.01,siphon.02
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1
WordNet Verb Particle Constructions, Multiword Expressions:
siphon_off 1