pressurize-v; 2 Senses

Sense Number 1: bring to a certain pressure

Commentary: Syntax Includes: NP1[agent] PRESSURIZE NP2[patient]

The captain will pressurize the cabin for the passengers' comfort.
This subsystem supplies oxygen for breathing and pressurizes the space suit.
They pressurized the tires to 70 psi.
I presume the pump is pressurizing the system, but where's the blockage?
I don't believe the turbo is pressurizing it as at idle it doesn't generate.

VerbNet: NP
FrameNet: NP
PropBank: pressurize.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1, 2, 3

Sense Number 2: put under pressure (to act)

Commentary: Syntax includes: NP1[agent] PRESSURIZE NP2[theme] (PP[goal])

Latvia is pressurizing the European Court of Human Rights.
Do you think that USA is pressurizing India to sign the nuclear deal?
An executive was pressurized by a heavy workload.
Who is pressurizing the Algeria Bank Governor?
My waiter was pressurizing me too much to order a drink.

VerbNet: NP
FrameNet: NP
PropBank: pressurize.01