obliterate-v; 2 Senses

Sense Number 1: completly do away with

He could not obliterate the knowledge humming in her brain.
Burning up in atmosphere would obliterate him beyond reconstruction.
He still had the power to obliterate search warrents.
It would obliterate the domestic political excuse.
If Iran attacked Israel with nuclear weapons we would obliterate Iran.
I was sworn to smell out crime and obliterate it.

VerbNet: destroy-44
FrameNet: Destroying
PropBank: obliterate.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1, 3, 4

Sense Number 2: Make imperceptable by hiding or obscuring

*no examples*

VerbNet: NM
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: obliterate.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2