need-v; 2 Senses

Sense Number 1: must have, necessitate

Commentary: Syntax Includes: NP1[+/-agent] NEED NP2

Babies need constant care.
The doctor said I need an operation.
He was always needing money.
This stew needs more salt.
Will I need a passport to enter that country?
Jet engines need special fuel.
What you need is a hot bowl of soup.
This room needs brightening up.
Being a good parent needs lots of patience.
Eye surgery needs a very steady hand.
I need a lot of time to practice my violin.
Nothing needs to be done about this until next week.
Nothing need be done about this until next week.
We need to ask ourselves what it means to integrate.
You need to help me choose an outfit.
What if I need to see a doctor while I'm away?
I don't think we need to ask him.
Users need not see this command to use the application.
Official blogs and wikis needn't be so boring!

VerbNet: require-103
FrameNet: Have_as_requirement,Needing,Required_event
PropBank: need.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1, 3

Sense Number 2: want, desire

Commentary: Syntax Includes: NP1[+agent] NEED NP2

I don't need all this hassle.
I really need a rest from all this.
I need my hair cut short.
What you need is a hot bowl of soup.
I need you to help me.
You need to take a break.

VerbNet: want-32.1-1-1
FrameNet: Needing
PropBank: need.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2