moment-n; 5 Senses

Sense Number 1: short time

Commentary: MOMENT[+event] moment, minute, second, bit - an indefinitely short time

Wait just a moment for me to get my shoes.
It only takes a moment to do your dishes.
I'll get your juice in just a moment.
It seems like that summer only lasted a moment.

WordNet 2.0 Sense Numbers: 2

Sense Number 2: right now

Commentary: MOMENT[+event] moment, minute, second, instant, here and now, present moment - a particular point in time (especially the immediate present)

Give me that penny, right this moment.
The moment he arrived the party began.
The disappointments of the moment.

WordNet 2.0 Sense Numbers: 1 3

Sense Number 3: importance

Commentary: consequency, import, moment - having important effects or influence

Virtue is of more moment that security.

WordNet 2.0 Sense Numbers: 4

Sense Number 4: expected value

Commentary: the n-th moment of a distribution is the expected value of the n-th power of the deviations from a fixed value

Billy has to find the moment of seven problems for homework.

WordNet 2.0 Sense Numbers: 6

Sense Number 5: science

Commentary: the moment of a couple is the product of its force and the distance between its opposing forces

Billy calculated the moment of seven problems for homework, yesterday.

WordNet 2.0 Sense Numbers: 5