date-n; 8 Senses

Sense Number 1: a calendar date

Commentary: DATE[+extent][+temporal][+period][+calendar][+day/+month/+year]
NOTE: implies a calendar date, either specific or not specified.
NOTE: not a historical epoch or characterized span of time - see Sense 8
NOTE: granularity may vary, can refer to a day, month, year (week?)

What's today's date?
1066 is an important date in English history.
The expiration date of this medicine is June, 2007.
The due date for our paper is next Tuesday.
My date of birth is December 1, 1982.
There is no date on this contract.
Have they set the date for their wedding yet?
I'll get the information to you at some later date.
I can't read the date on this old Roman coin. (probably just a year)

WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1

Sense Number 2: Placeholder Sense: Do Not Choose


WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1

Sense Number 3: Arranged meeting

Commentary: DATE[+event][+social][+appointment] A particular appointment that has been arranged in advanced. Includes romantic get-togethers.

I went on a date with John last night.
She has broken two lunch dates with me this month.
I'm late for a very important date!
He had a date with destiny. (figurative extension - an important event for the person)

WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1

Sense Number 4: Placeholder Sense: Do Not Choose


WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1

Sense Number 5: Present moment

Commentary: DATE[+extent][+temporal][+moment][+present] Usually used in set expressions. A way to denote the current point in time.

To date, I haven't spoken to John about the new proposal.
There have been no sightings of bears in these woods to date.
We need to get our computer systems up-to-date!

WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1

Sense Number 6: Person on a date

Commentary: DATE[+entity][+person][+escort][+occasion][+social] A romantic participant on a date; an escort.

I spilled grape juice all over my date's lap.
John asked Mary to be his date for the Winter Ball.
Pete's date never stopped talking all evening.

WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1

Sense Number 7: Edible fruit

Commentary: DATE[+entity][+plant][+fruit][+sweet] A fruit from the Middle East with a long, woody seed. Comes from date trees.

I sank my teeth into a juicy date.
This bread has nuts and dates in it.

WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1

Sense Number 8: a span of time, historical epoch characterized in some way

Commentary: DATE[+extent][+temporal][+period][+historical][+characterized]

This style of architecture is from an earlier date than the Gothic movement.
I'd guess the date of that Italian fresco to be early Renaissance, not late.

WordNet 0.0 Sense Numbers: 1c