dart-v; 5 Senses

Sense Number 1: (volitionally) move (self) with sudden speed

Commentary: Syntax includes: NP1[agent[animate]] DART (PP[source]) (PP[destination])

Something darted, the size and speed of a falcon, above the treetops.
Hyacinth darted from tree to tree.
Out upon him darted the housekeeper like an ogress-spider.
A flight of gulls dipped and darted over the water of Milwaukee's harbor.
With a cry of horror he darted from the house.

VerbNet: run-51.3.2
FrameNet: Self_motion
PropBank: dart.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1, 2

Sense Number 2: move something with sudden speed

Commentary: Syntax includes: NP1[agent[animate]] DART NP2[theme[concrete]] (PP[source]) (PP[destination]) NP1[theme] DART (PP[source]) (PP[destination])

Amanda's eyes darted, and she was aware of the heavy beat of her heart.
His sword darted and parried.
He then darted his sword at me.
Her sword darted past a blade that sought to parry.
With a long exhale, the sword darted from its sheath rising to meet the downward blow.
He darted his eyes from one tea cup to the next.

VerbNet: slide-11.2-1
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: dart.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 3

Sense Number 3: shoot someone a glance or facial expression

Commentary: Syntax includes: NP1[agent[animate]] DART NP2[theme] PP[destination] NP1[agent[animate]] DART NP2[destination] NP3[theme]

"Come with me," she said, darting the most timid of glances at Toni's face.
Kaleb darted him a glare, which he ignored.
The fox darted him a green-eyed glance.
Ollie darted her a hopeful look.
She nodded and, darting him a frightened smile.

VerbNet: NM
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: dart.01

Sense Number 4: shoot someone with a dart

Commentary: Syntax includes: NP1[agent[animate]] DART NP2[patient[animate]] (PP[instrument])

In the cool of early morning, trackers locate the animal to be darted.
The first step is darting her, a task made difficult because of her nervousness.
After driving back to the lions, Mark darted the female that he'd missed.
Unfortunately, once darted, the animals tend to run off before the anaesthesia takes effect.
The Wildlife Services agent darted the bear with tranquilizers with little effect.

VerbNet: poison-42.2
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: dart.02

Sense Number 5: take a wedge or diamond shaped tuck in fabric

Commentary: Syntax includes: NP1[agent[animate]] DART

This dress is beautifully tailored and darted.
My tailor then darted the shirt by removing fabric from the sides and adding two small pleats.
I darted the shirt in 4 places to give it a form fit.
After darting the waist, it was more fitted.
I'm impressed with how you darted the sleeve to keep the border.

VerbNet: NM
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: dart.03