confine-v; 2 Senses

Sense Number 1: restrict or limit the range of

Commentary: Syntax Is: NP1[agent] CONFINE NP2[abstract] (to NP3[extent])

Please confine your essay to 2,000 words.
The experiement was confined to 3 hours.

VerbNet: limit-76
FrameNet: NP
PropBank: confine.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1, 2

Sense Number 2: close within bounds; deprive of freedom

Commentary: Syntax Is: NP1[agent[concrete]] CONFINE NP2[patient[animate]

This prison mainly confined the prisoners of war.
The owner can take animal from the person who confined it.
An opening was made in the lower end of the glen that confined the

VerbNet: confine-92-1
FrameNet: NP
PropBank: confine.01