Commentary: COLLAPSE[+event][+abrupt][+physical][+caving_in]
NOTE: implies the falling, caving in of a physical object
The roof of that building was in danger of collapse after the earthquake.
A thoracic puncture caused the collapse of the victim's left lung.
The gravitational collapse of a supernova creates a black hole.
Placing the last card on top caused the collapse of my house of cards.
The dancers practiced a synchronized collapse onto the floor.
PropBank: collapse.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2
Commentary: COLLAPSE[+event][+abrupt][+socioeconomic][+failure]
NOTE: refers to abstract social or economic mishaps
The Great Depression was preceded by the collapse of the stock market.
The collapse of the dollar could led to widespread panic on the currency markets.
Overdevelopment and recession led to the collapse of his real estate empire.
His assassination resulted in a collapse of the arms talks.
Roaming militias have contributed to the collapse of law and order in the region.
The book documents the collapse of communism in eastern Europe.
PropBank: collapse.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 4
Commentary: COLLAPSE[+state][+health][+malfunction][+physical/+psychological]
NOTE: refers to a serious breakdown of one's health
One of the marathon runners lay in a state of collapse about ten yards from the finish line.
Bob suffered an emotional collapse after the death of his twin brother.
The artist had a physical collapse after finishing his masterpiece fresco.
PropBank: collapse.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1
Commentary: Automatically generated NOTA sense (bbn)
PropBank: NM