blame-v; 2 Senses

Sense Number 1: accuse; name a cause for a specific event/result

Commentary: NP[+accuser] BLAME NP[+causer] (PP[+outcome]) NP[+accuser] BLAME NP[+outcome] PP[+causer]
NOTE: The cause/blamed is not necessarily responsible for the outcome. The accuser assigns this responsibilty (probably based on circumstance or evidence). Note that unlike in sense 2, negation will take away the cause: "I didn't blame the mess in the kitchen on John." = John did not make the mess.

They blamed the accident on the icy road.
They blamed the icy road for the accident.
Mary blamed John for the mess in the kitchen.
Analysts are blaming the overheated economy for the current rise in inflation.

VerbNet: judgement-33
FrameNet: Judgement_communication
PropBank: blame.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1, 3

Sense Number 2: find fault with; criticize a particular feature or action

Commentary: NP[+agent] BLAME NP[+recipient] PP[+attribute/action]
NOTE: unlike sense 1, a specific cause may not be given here
NOTE: Although it is often used in the negative, it is clear that the recipient possesses or shows the attribute. Unlike in sense 1, negating the sentence does not take away the attribute: "I don't blame Sally for being mad," does not mean that she isn't mad. She is.

The critics blamed the film for being violent.
I don't blame Sally for being mad about this.
Can you blame them for being suspicious?
Bob often gets blamed for speaking too loudly.

VerbNet: judgement-33
FrameNet: Judgment
PropBank: blame.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 2