announcement-n; 3 Senses

Sense Number 1: an official public statement, either written or broadcast

Commentary: ANNOUNCEMENT[+event][+speech_act][+statement][+public][+official]

The government made an announcement about the terror alert being heightened again.
Announcements of local births, deaths and weddings can be found in the daily newspaper.
The principal of the high school makes daily announcements each morning over the public address system.
The announcements plastered on the walls of buildings described a political rally to be held on Saturday.

PropBank: announcement.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1

Sense Number 2: the act of making an individual utterance, declaration

Commentary: ANNOUNCEMENT[+event][+speech_act][+statement][+utterance][+individual]
NOTE: a nominalization: X's announcement of Y -> X announced Y

Mary's announcement of her pregnancy at the dinner table shocked her parents.
John's announcement that he had given up smoking was met with disbelief by his roommates.

PropBank: announcement.01
WordNet 0.0 Sense Numbers: 1a

Sense Number 3: none of the above

Commentary: Automatically generated NOTA sense (bbn)


PropBank: NM