Language Documentation

This opportunity is part of the Linguistic Institute 2011, a bi-annual international event which is being held for the first time ever in Boulder, Colorado. It offers a wide range of courses in language documentation by renowned researchers, including: two intensive courses in linguistic Field Methods (Nick Evans from Australia, and Sally Rice from Canada), courses on issues on language endangerment (Nora England and Eladio Mateo-Toledo from Mexico, and David and Maya Bradley from Australia), as well as courses featuring particular languages or language families (David Rood on Siouan languages, Alex François on Oceanic languages, Jean-Pierre Koenig and Karin Michelson on Iroquian languages, Gregory Guy on language in Latin America, and Heidi Harley on the Hiaki (Yaqui) language.
Overall, the Institute will feature around 80 courses in various sub-fields of linguistics relevant to anyone interested in language documentation, including courses in syntax, semantics, phonetics, phonology, morphology, typology, language and interaction, linguistic anthropology and sociolinguistics, areal and historical linguistics, and psycholinguistics, among others.
These courses are open to anyone, and one can register as an affiliate if not interested in academic credit. The courses meet twice a week for four weeks.
There are also one-time workshops being offered that are open to the public. These include practical workshops on fieldwork tools such as ELAN, FLEX and Toolbox, as well as workshops on more theoretical interests including the Sociolinguistics of Language Endangerment, Interactional Foundations of Language, and Sociophonetics. In addition, the Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA) will hold it's annual convention in Boulder in conjunction with the Institute.
The Linguistics Institute is a unique event which attracts faculty, graduate students, business professionals working in fields related to linguistics, and interested members of the public for an intensive, month-long experience. It's presence in Boulder recognizes CU's long involvement as a leader in the field of language documentation. More information can be found at the Institute website.
Online registration is open through July 5th at the Institute website: